It always seems to happen in slow motion. Your fingers slip, you aren’t paying attention, and you fumble as you watch your belongings fall to the floor. Whether it’s a cracked phone screen, broken makeup compact, or cracked dentures, it is disappointing and frustrating. If you find your dentures have cracked, chipped, or completely broken, it may not be easy to decide on next steps. No matter how it happened or the extent of the damage, you should contact your local denturists in Midland to find out how to proceed.
Bajic Dentures has a team of dental healthcare professionals who can offer fast, friendly services and advice about how to best repair or replace your damaged dentures. The steps below will ensure you don’t end up increasing the damage and expense or causing damage to your remaining teeth and oral tissues.
What to Do With Your Broken Dentures
Despite being strong and durable, dentures are breakable. They are especially vulnerable to damage if dropped from a height or brought in contact with a hard tile surface.
Cracks that form in the tooth or result in a missing tooth will be noticeable and reveal the fact that you have false teeth to friends, family and colleagues. Whether you are concerned about this or not, the more important fact is that the damaged tooth or teeth can make chewing and talking difficult or painful.
Damage that occurs on the pink portion of the dentures can cause tearing, scarring or other damage to your oral tissues and should not be taken lightly. Continued use of damaged dentures can lead to discomfort, infection and permanent damage to your oral cavity.
Don’t delay in getting your chipped or cracked dentures repaired. Avoid risking temporary, insufficient, or ineffective repairs. Instead, call the professional denturists at Bajic Dentures. We can provide fast fixes for your broken dentures and get them back in your mouth, looking natural and fitting like new again.
Bajic Dentures is known for fast and affordable denture repairs. Contact us today to tell us about the damage to your dentures and schedule your appointment for a quick, durable and reliable fix. Our team of experienced and friendly staff offers a range of dental services and can ensure your false teeth fit, function, and look great. From initial consultations to after-care and reliable repairs, you can count on our denturists to help you.
Get your cracked or chipped dentures back to their initial fit, function and appearance with quality repairs. Don’t delay in getting your dentures fixed. Call us today at 705-526-4041 for denture services in Midland.